About Us The Black Fish Life

Recycling and Sustainability: The essence of our mission.

Embracing sustainable cottons, preserving precious water resources recycling programs, re-use repurpose.

Our story and why comes from the history of the local black fish of Western Victoria, Australia, on the verge of extinction. Why, human impact. can we change things. YES!


The Blackfish (and the more recently described two-spine river blackfish) are unique to Australia Furtive and secretive, they move mainly at night, late evening and early morning in search of food.

The Blackfish has been affected in some areas due to human impact, including increased siltation of streams due to changed land usage, clearing of debris from streams (de-snagging), changed stream flow regimes resulting from the construction of water storages, pollution and in some cases competition from introduced fish such as trout.

Too often, river infrastructure like dams, overflows and levees disrupts natural flow patterns that are critical to the health of rivers. Seasonal patterns of high and low flows support animal and plant lifecycles, preserve water quality and maintain diverse habitats. By artificially stabilizing river levels, dams can set off cascading effects that negatively impact fish and wildlife, ecosystems and the diverse array of benefits they provide to people. Science has shown that alterations to river flows are the principal reason why 40 percent of the nation’s fish species are listed as imperiled, and why many commercial fisheries have been decimated.

With just 2 percent of our nation’s three million miles of rivers and streams still free-flowing and undeveloped, the survival of our freshwater systems hinges on our ability to reduce the negative impacts of river infrastructure.

Revitalizing our waterways, with proceeds from all sales dedicated to reforestation projects along our scenic river landscape.

By rejuvenating these waterways and using sustainable and recycled products and services, not only do we cut the impact of water usage we can remove consumable waste so we can make a positive impact on the future of our rivers for fish, local animals and fellow humans who use the rivers and water as a resource of survival.